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Pu Lalthomlien Hmar Doctorate Degree confer

Monday, November 27, 2023

/ Published by VIRTHLI

November 26,2023 (Virthli): Pu Lalthomlien Hmar @Gideon Lalthomlien Neitham, Chairman, Barak Valley Hill Tribes Development Council (BVHTDC) chu African Moon University (AMU) South West Africa - United States of America in Honorary Doctorate Degree a confer/inhlân. Pu Lalthomlien Hmar hi khawtlâng le hnam ta dinga a thawhlâwk leia Degree of Doctor of Social Work (D.S.W) inhlân a nih.

Pu Lalthomlien Hmar hi August 18, 2023 a kha Doctorate hi lo confer ani taa, November 26, 2023 nia Perambular, Tamil Nadu hmuna DK International Research Foundation in Convocation hunser a buotsai huna inhlân fel a nih.

African Moon University hi Henties Bay, Namibia, South West Africa le Delaware, United States of America a hai Campus nei an nih.

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