Shillong, July 27, 2019, Virthli (ONP): Nk. Abigail Lalnuneng D/o John Daniel, Imphal chun tulai hnai el khan North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU) hnuoia Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) a lo hmu tah. A doctoral thesis hi "A Study of Blood Pressure in Relation to Body Composition and Socio-Economic Status among the Hmars of Manipur" ti niin Prof. R. Khongsdier, Department of Anthropology enkaina hnuoia zo a nih.
Nk. Abigail Lalnuneng hi tuhin Sikkim University, Department of Anthropology ah Guest Faculty in a thawk mek a nih. Lekha thiem thei tak el, M.Sc (Anthropology) a khawm Gold Medalist ni nghe nghe a nih.
A hlawtlingna hi Virthli sungkuo chun ei lawmpui tak zet a nih.
Nk. Abigail Lalnuneng hi tuhin Sikkim University, Department of Anthropology ah Guest Faculty in a thawk mek a nih. Lekha thiem thei tak el, M.Sc (Anthropology) a khawm Gold Medalist ni nghe nghe a nih.
A hlawtlingna hi Virthli sungkuo chun ei lawmpui tak zet a nih.