The 6th Hmar Martyrs' Badminton Tournament will be held from the 7th to 12th of May, 2018. Any interested person is welcome to participate.
Categories: Singles & Doubles in 1.JUNIOR (Under 17), 2. OPEN and 3.VETERAN ( 40 Plus).
Entry form can be availed from:
1. Parate Enterprise, Light House Lane,
2. Life Café, Rengkai Road, 3. Kamin Store (Yonex), Synod Building.
Last Date of entry form submission: On or before noon, the 6th May, 2018.
Contact: Lalramruot Parate (Convenor, HMARTOB, 9774213120), Immanuel Lalhrietzing Pulamte (Convenor, HMARTOB).
*BADMINTON clubs, Associations, Imphal tieng le CCPura hnam dang dang lai Hmar Martyrs' Badminton Tournament thu le fielna hi the dar a nih.
Entry Fees: 100/- in Singles, 200/- doubles.
Information for the players:
1. Yonex Mavis 300 Nylon Shuttlecock alone will be used in the tournament.