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Guwahati HSA le RES buotsai Free Coaching tan a nih

Thursday, April 26, 2012

/ Published by Simon L Infimate
Guwahati: Guwahati HSA Joint Headquarters le Ruonglevaisuo Educational Society hai thang khawma an buotsai Free Coaching – Competitive exam a ding chu vawisun Assam Textile Institute, Conference Hall Ambari, Guwahati hmunah 25 May chen huom ding chu tan alo ni tah. Hi inaugural prokram hun a hin Pu.L.B Sinate, Horticulture Board Member,Govt of India , Former Regional Director, SSC (NER) (Retd) Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs chu Chief Guest a hmang’n student fe khawm hai kuoma thu tha tak tak a hril. Tuchena free coaching a thang dinga student hming pe lut ta po hi 33 an tling taa, hming pelut mek khawm anla um zinga, beisei dan chun mi 60 + vel chu an thang ring a um a nih. Haflong tienga um student hai khawm hi coaching a thang ding’n iemanizat kar thar khin Guwahati pan an tih.

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