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Hmar People's Union For Civil Liberty seeks clarification from “The Sentinel”

Sunday, July 24, 2011

/ Published by Simon L Infimate

Office of the


Date: 23/7/2011

The Editor,
The Sentinel,
GS Road, Guwahati

Sub : Clarification
Ref. :
News item under the caption "BVHTDC Chairman killed” reported by a staff reporter and published in the esteemed daily The Sentinel on 11/7/2011(appearing on page 11)

This press release is made in response to the news item under the caption "BVHTDC Chairman killed” reported by a staff reporter and published in the esteemed daily The Sentinel on 11/7/2011(appearing on page 11).

The reporter has allegedly provoked the peace-loving Hmars and Nagas by stating that the assassin who killed BVHTDC Chairman belongs to the Hmar community.

While strongly condemning the heinous murder of our respected Chairman, the HPUCL is strongly critical of the fabricated report/baseless allegation levelled against the second largest ethnic hill tribe in the Barak valley by the said reporter.

As per the following, the assassin belongs to NSCN (K) and not a member of the Hmar community:-
1. The signed press releases issued time and again by the NSCN (K) to many of the leading dailies on 12/7/2011 (including The Sentinel, page 9)and there-after;
2. The records maintained in the Mobile Hand Set and SIM Card belonging to the murderer and now in possession of the local Police;
3. People who have seen the assassin(s) on that fateful day say that the a language other than Hmar language was used in the conversations amongst the militants and between the assassin(s) and the deceased Chairman prior to the assassination;
4. The wife of the slain leader and locals at the site of the compound where the murder took place are all a witness to the whole incident.

In view of the aforesaid, HPUCL would like to state that:
1. The report published in the esteemed daily The Sentinel on 11/7/2011(appearing on page 11) is false, baseless, unfounded and provocative. This would be a recipe for discord amongst various ethnic groups in Barak valley.

2. Insensitive reporting in an esteemed daily on 2/3/2003 by vested interests on the kidnapping of DHD cadres by NSCN (IM) on February 26, 2003 has been the primary factor behind the Hmar-Dimasa conflict that led to the killing of many innocent lives by the DHD in NC Hill district.

3. The report published in the esteemed daily The Sentinel on 11/7/2011(appearing on page 11), therefore, is akin to sowing seeds of discords amongst the ethnic tribes in Barak valley;
4. There are vested interests in the Barak valley districts that have deeply ingrained thinking that the relations of the Hmar tribe with other ethnic groups in Barak valley are inherently and historically antagonistic.

5 The Hmars are targeted (by The Sentinel) for no fault of theirs or are being put in inconvenience by vested interests or communities following the murder of BVHTDC Chairman.

However, there are telling evidences of the long association of the Hmars with their ethnic brethren like Nagas, Manipuris and Barmans (Dimasas) to form a rare cultural fusion transcending all socio-economic, religious and political barriers in Barak valley.

HPUCL, therefore, demands the following:
1. The Sentinel Group (Printer, Publisher and Editor) should, within fifteen days from the date of this publication, tender an apology to the Hmars in particular for hurting their sentiment for no fault of theirs or else the community would approach the Court of law for defamation against the Group.

2. The government should no more play the passive role of a mere spectator while the Hmars are targeted for no fault of theirs or are being put in inconvenience by vested interests or communities but, instead, should come to their immediate help.

3.The Hmars, being rendered minority in each of the districts where they have been living from times immemorial, have been the political victims upto this day and, therefore, the peace loving Hmar people shall ever cry for their earliest rescue.

We, therefore, appeal to our friends in the print and electronic media to not mislead the people while reporting sensitive issue at this difficult time and stop silly reporting in larger public interest and do only calm reporting.

We also appeal to the state government to set up an inquiry commission under a sitting HC Judge to look into the circumstances leading to the assassination of BVHTDC Chairman.
We further appeal to the law and order machinery to look into the matter seriously and the HPUCL would extend all help to bring the culprit(s) to justice.

Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Copy for favor of information to:
1. Deputy Commissioner, Cachar for favor of his kind information.
2. Deputy Commissioner, Karimganj for favor of his kind information.
3. Deputy Commissioner, Hailakandi for favor of his kind information.
4. Superintendent of Police, Cachar for his kind information and necessary action.
5. Superintendent of Police, Karimganj for his kind information and necessary action.
6. Superintendent of Police, Hailakandi for his kind information and necessary action.
7. DIPRO, Cachar for information and publicity.
8. DIPRO, Karimganj for information and publicity.
9. DIPRO, Hailakandi for information and publicity.
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