Educational Qualification: Applicant should have passed 10th class examination and should be able to exhibit an aptitude for music.
Pay Scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs. 2000/- plus MSP at Rs. 2000/- plus DA.
Age Limit : 17 -20 years.
Musical Ability : Should have proficiency in westorn national, aural aptitude, knowledge of theory of music and actual practical skill on any musical instrument.
Instruments on which Proficiency Required : String, Key-board, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion Instruments both of Western and Indian Origin.
Last Date : 19.04.2011 for candidates in far-flung areas the last date is 26.04.2011
How To Apply : Application in prescribed format and complete in all respects should be sent to the following address:
The Commanding Officer, (for Director of Music)
INS Kunjali, Colaba, Mumbai- 400005
For further details Click Here