Press Note:
On the basis of the results of the written part of the CPF (ACs) Examination, 2009 held by UPSC in October 2009, the candidates with the under-mentioned Roll Numbers have qualified for Physical standards/ Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests. The candidature of all the candidates whose Roll Number is shown in the list is Provisional.
The Border Security Force (Nodal Authority nominated by Ministry of Home Affairs) will intimate the candidates about the date, time & venue of the Physical Standards Tests/ Physical Efficiency Tests (PET) & Medical Standards Tests, to be conducted by them. In case, any candidate does not receive the call letter for Physical Standards Tests/ Physical Efficiency Tests (PET) & Medical Standards Tests (MST) by the 4th week of June, 2010, they may contact the Border Security Force on Telephone No. 011–24364850 to 55 (Ext.2606 & 2615) or on FAX No. 011–24368233.
The marks of candidates who have not qualified in paper-I or both papers of CPF (ACs) Examination, 2009 shall be available on the Commission’s Website within 30 days from the publication of this Press Note and would be available on the Website for a period of 60 days.
The candidates will have access to the marks only after keying the Roll Number and date of birth. The printed/hard copies of the marks would, however, be issued by UPSC to those candidates who make written request accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope. The candidates desirous of obtaining the printed/hard copies of the marks should make request within 30 days of the display of the marks on the Commission’s Website –“”, beyond which no such request would be entertained.
Candidates are advised to intimate change in their address, if any, to the BSF Authorities, Block No.10, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 and U.P.S.C. immediately to facilitate delivery of summon letters to them promptly.