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University of Delhi PG Admission 2016-17

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

/ Published by VIRTHLI
The University of Delhi has decided to invite Online applications for registration for admission to all seats available for Post Graduate Courses for admission in 2016-17 session. There will be online registrations only for post-graduate admissions to facilitate easy access to students from all over the country and abroad. For the first time provisions have also been made to conduct entrance examinations based on Multiple Choice Questions at six centres spread across the country viz. Bengaluru, Nagpur, Delhi, Jammu, Varanasi and Kolkata. The registration process will start at 06:00 p.m. on 28 Ap., 2016 and continue till the midnight of 24 May, 2016.

The admission seekers to the Post-graduate courses will be able to access all necessary documents and information like admit card, centre allocation, entrance results, venue of group discussion and interviews, if any, electronically through online medium. The fees for registration shall also be received online. The salient features of PG admissions 2016-17 are as follows:

1. Registration for admission to PG / Masters courses starts from the evening of 28 April, 2016 and ends on 24 May, 2016 midnight.
2. All admission seekers to PG / Master's need to register through only ONLINE PG Admission Portal 2016-17.
3. Entrance examinations for all PG courses will be conducted at six locations viz. Bengaluru, Delhi, Jammu, Kolkata, Nagpur and Varanasi.
4. All entrance examinations will be conducted in Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) format of two hours duration only, except in some cases of foreign languages incluthng Persian in which subjective questions will be answered in the space given in the question booklet itself.
5. Question booklets will be bilingual (English and Hthdi), wherever applicable. 6. All entrance examinations are likely to be held between 19 June and 23 June, 2016.

The registration fees for admission to Post-graduate courses will be Rs.500/- for unreserved and OBC categories and Rs. 250/- for Sc / ST applicants.

For further details please visit

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