Lmaka, the 17th January, 2016
With the Manipur Government's persistent refusal to acknowledge the tribal rights and privileges as enshrined in the Constitution of India, and the Central Government continuing to turn a blind eye to the plight of the tribal people, the Tribal Consultation Meeting convened by the Joint Action Committee against Anti-Tribal Bills (JAC) at Synod Hall, IB Road, Lamka on 14th January, 2016 resolved that all tribal people of Manipur should abstain from the Indian Republic Day celebrations on 26th January, 2016 as a demonstration of our resentment towards the Manipur Government's continued injustice towards the tribal people of Manipur and the Central Government remaining a mere spectator while the tribal people are being denied their Constitutional rights for decades now.
It is the collective belief of the august gathering of the Tribal Consultation Meeting attended by tribal people belonging to various communities from across Manipur that abstaining from the Indian Republic Day celebrations on 26th January, 2016 in all tribal territories of Manipur is the only option available to voice our sentiments against the continued anti-tribal and discriminatory policies of the Manipur Government.
As also resolved in the said meeting, tribals belonging to various communities in Manipur are humbly requested to light candles at their respective homes on the night of 26th January, 2016 between 6:00PM to 7:00PM as a show of our respect for the supreme sacrifices made by our nine Tribal Martyrs, to express our solidarity and collective grief towards the Government's continued indifference to the issues faced by the tribals of Manipur, and our continued collective commitment towards fighting for the tnbal cause.
Information and Publicity Department