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Clarification on Tuibuong Service Station - Joint Student Bodies

Friday, July 11, 2014

/ Published by Simon L Infimate
Dated CCPur the 11, July, 2014.

The Joint Student Bodies would like to state to all concerned that it fi nds the claims made by one relatively unknown KNLA, that it had committed arson & vandalism on the Tuibuong Service Station on the night of 8th July, 2014 ‘for selling of adulterated fuel and for not heeding the warning of the KNLA for doing so” completely absurd, autrageous, and utterly baseless. The Joint Student Bodies had probed the allegations of the KNLA & found it devoid of any truth or substance, and it is rather-just a mere fabrication of lies and desperate attempt at face saving & self-justification for having placed the lives of many residents of Tuibuong & the District Headquarters at great risk by at emptting to burn down a combustable unit/set-up like a Petrol Pump.

The Student Bodies have invest gated the matter thoroughly, and have come to the fi ndings that the so called KNLA had served a monetary demand of a specifi c amount to Tuibuong Service station, and the failure to realise the same led to the unwarranted act of arson & vandalism on the night of 8th July. The quality of fuel-petrol/diesel sold at the Petrol Pumps is closely monitored & maintained by the Indian Oil Corporation, the only legitimate authority to do so.

The claim made by KNLA that they had attacked the Petrol Pump in public interest is unjustified; rather they had endangered the lives of the local residents of Tuibuong by attempt ng to burn down the Petrol Pump. The Facade of adulterated fuel was raised just to camoufl age the truth/ their real intention, for their wanton act of impropriety on an essential unit like a petrol pump. It is the sincere urge of the Joint Student Bodies that all the stake-holders in the society, irrespective of social or political affiliations should all work towards creating a conducive atmosphere of business; and refrain from making undue demands/ unprovoked attacks on any business establishments in the district. Vital business/educational set-up like Schools, petrol pumps, clinics, brick fi rms etc. though owned by Private Entrepreneurs provides essential services/ products for the need of the public; hence it should be the priority of the Administration to ensure their safety & smooth functioning.

We appeal to “the KNLA” to detest from such act which could create fear psychosis in the minds of the public like issueing threats/serving monetary demands on individuals & business firms. “The KNLA” should issue unconditional apology to the Public for putting innocent lives at great peril on the night of 8th July, 2014.


Vice President,HSA CCPur.

Haoneo Haokip
Gen. Secretary,TKSU-GHQ

N.J Haoneo Baite
Gen. Secretary, KSO CCPur.
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