- Junior Assistant: 60 posts
Eligibility: The minimum educational qualification for the posts of Jr. Asstt. is HSLC Examination passed from the Board of Secondary Education, Assam/CBSE. Diploma in Type writing / Computer is necessary.
Pay Scale: PB-II Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/- + Grade Pay - Rs. 2,200/-
- Stenographer: 10 posts
Eligibility: The minimum educational qualification for the posts of Stenographer , Grd.- III is HSLC Examination passed from the Board of Secondary Education, Assam/ CBSE with holder of National Trade Certificate ( under ITI’s Assam ) or any other Institute recognized by the Govt. of Assam with 80 WPM in English Stenography
Pay Scale : PB-II Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/- + Grade Pay - Rs. 2,900/-
Age Limit: 18 Years and maximum of 38 Years as on 01/01/2012.
Application Fee: Candidate will submit Treasury Challan of Rs. 50/- only for General Categories and Rs. 25/- only for S.C / S.T. Categories to deposit under the Head of Account “ 0055- Police Receipt.” Money Order / Cash / Cheque / Bank Draft etc. in lieu of Treasury Challan will not be accepted even on the plea of Postal Delay .
How To Apply: The last date of submission of Application is 18/05/2012, to be addressed to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, (Admn.), Assam, Ulubari, Guwahati- 7.
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