Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development of India Ltd (TRIFED) is looking for candidates for the following positions at its Head Office, New Delhi and other places
1. General Manager (Finance & Accounts)
Vacancies : 01
Pay-Scale: Rs.37400-67000 plus Grade Pay 8700/- PB-4
Age : 45-50 years
2. Deputy General Manager (Personnel/HR) at Head Office
Vacancies :01
Pay-Scale: Rs.37400-67000 plus Grade Pay 8700/- PB-4
Age: 40-45 years
3. Deputy Manager (Retail Sales) at Manali (HP)
Vacancies : 01
Pay-Scale : Rs.15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs.6600 PB-3
Age : 30-40 years
4. Deputy Manager(Publicity & Advertisement and Business Promotion) on contract basis at Head Office
Vacancies : 01
Remuneration: Rs.50715.50 per month
Age : 30-40 years
5. Assistant Grade-I (Personnel/HR) on contract basis at Head Office
Vacancies : 01
Salary: Rs.26851/- per month
Age : 24-30 years
6. Hindi Translator at Head Office
Vacancies : 01
Pay-Scale: Rs.5200-20200 with GP of Rs.2400 (PB-1)
Age : 20-25 years
Last Date : 08.08.2011
For further details Click Here