Once upon a time, there lived the most beautiful in
the eastern land. Her name was Vanchunglaizuor. At the same time there was also
a very handsome young man called Tlumte. He lived in the western land.
Tlumte and a group of young men used to visit her.
They had to go through many villages on the way. The other young men were very
conscious of Tlumte’s good look, and made him walk in the last. As they were
passing through the villages, the villagers crowded around them. “We’re visiting
Vanchunglaizuor and who is the most handsome one among us,” they asked. “The
one who is in the last,” said the villagers pointing at Tlumte who was in the
last. They walked on and passed another village. The other young men put
flowers on their ears. But Tlumte put a bud on his ears. “Of the youngmen among
us visiting Vanchunglaizuor, who is the most handsome one?” they asked the
onlookers. “The one who put the bud on his ears,” they all said in unison
pointing at Tlumte. They were now convinced that Tlumte was no match for them.
They therefore asked him not to accompany them. Despite the fact that his
friends did not like him to go along with them, Tlumte still walked behind
them. The other youngmen reached the village earlier and visited the girl.
Sometime later Tlumte also arrived. He could not get proper seat in the house
and simply sat near the doorstep where bamboo-tubes containing water were kept.
When Vanchunglaizuor saw Tlumte, she loved him at first sight. But she did not
show any sign of her love to him openly and greeted all her suitors equally
They used to visit her many times from distant
village because each one felt that he was the best and most prospective suitor.
One night, as they were sitting in her house and helping her weaved and spinned
threads, one of them advanced a proposal, saying, “It’s not good that all of us
are hopeful. She cannot marry us all. Therefore, let her choose only one amont
us and the rest shall go home.” They all agreed and asked her to choose her
suitor. They asked her to light their smoking pipe from the hearth one by one.
So they all gave her their pipes. One by one she lighted the pipes with live
fire-wood and gave them back. But on the pipe of Tlumte she pot amber carefully
and gave him back. From that moment, they all knew that Tlumte was the choice.
So they all left him behind. Tlumte stayed back for some time and their love
increased every day. He informed the parents of Vanchunglaizuor about his
desire to marry their daughter. The parents agreed with certain conditions. She
was the only maiden in the family. She carried water and fire-wood everyday. If
she was not there, there would not be anyone to take her place. Domestic
affairs should be completely in a mess. So they insisted that firewood which
would last their life time should be piled up in front of their house. They
also insisted that Tlumte should make a neverdrying fountain by the side of
their house. Tlumte was very sad because he did not know what to do. For it was
impossible to fulfil their demands. He sat down and started to cry. A group of
monkeys saw him and asked, “Tlumte, why are you crying? Tlumte told them of his
problems. The monkeys said that they would help him. Tlumte made friendship
with monkeys. Hundreds of monkeys came to his help and brought dry wood from
forest and stocked them in heaps. Soon there was enough firewood to last the
parents’ lifetime. The parents of Vanchunglaizuor were indeed satisfied. But
Tlumte’s next problem was the fountain. He thought of a plan and started digging
up a well and filled it with water, but the next day it dried up. He tried and
tried but could not succeed. One evening, he was sitting near the river. He
thought of his Vanchunglaizuor and of his problems and was very sad. A group of
crabs in the river came and comforted him saying, “Don’t worry, we shall do the
job. You dig a well and put many stones in it. There we shall take shelter and
produce water.” He was really happy.
He dug a good well by the side of the house and put
stones in it. At night crabs came in a body and took shelter. Throughout the
night they produced their saliva and in the morning water sprang out of the
well. The parents of Vanchunglaizuor were satisfied.
At home the rejected suitors spread the news like
wild fire that Tlumte would bring Vanchunglaizuor, the paramour of eastern
beauty. The whole village was excited and was fully prepared to receive and
welcome the most beautiful bride at the outskirt of the village. At the same
time, Tlumte took his new bride and set out for home. They covered a very long
distance. As they were passing through a thick jungle with a small pond nearby,
Vanchunglaizuor said, “O! I have forgotten my comb. I could not do without it.
Let me go back.” “No, you can’t your parents may hold you back. I will go
instead”, said he. But he felt that to leave a girl alone in the thick jungle
was not safe. So he constructed a resting place on the tree just above the
pond, and instructed her not to climb down under any circumstances. Tlumte went
back running. After sometime, a vampire came and looked herself in the water.
She saw the image of Vanchunglaizuor with many necklaces and bracelets on her
neck and wrists into the water. “My real neck does not have necklaces, my real
wrist does not have bracelets, but my image has so many necklaces and
bracelets,” so saying she patted her buttock and at the same time was hopping
in wild excitement. At first, Vanchunglaizuor laughed in her sleeve, but as the
vampire repeated her acts in a more excited manner, she could not restraint
herself and burst into laughter.
The vampire at once looked upward and saw the
beautiful girl on the tree. “Tell me how to climb,” she demanded.
Vanchunglaizuor was in the grip of fear and was trembling. After repeated
demands, Vanchunglaizuor said to the vampire, “Turn your head upside down, and
you will climb it?” The vampire tried but nearly broke her neck. She grew more
angry and said, “If you don’t tell me the truth, I will come and eat you up.”
Vanchunglaizuor was more afraid and told her how to climb up. So she climbed up
and saw the tender flesh and skin of the girl. Her mouth was watering. “You
look for lice on my head,” ordered the vampire. Vanchunglaizuor had to oblige
and when she looked at the vampire’s hair it was full of hairy catterpillars
and her hair stood on end in fear. She dared not touch them with her finger.
However, she could convince her that she had killed many of her lice. “Now,
it’s my turn”, said the vampire, laying her ugly and rough hands on the
Vanchunglaizuor’s head. As she parted the hair in search of lice, she saw the
white, soft and tender skin and her mouth was watering. With her sharp nails
she cut the skin and blood oozed out. Vanchunglaizuor cried in pain but “I’m
catching the lice with my nails”, said the vampire. As she kept on sucking her
blood, Vanchunglaizuor was crying in great pain. Still the vampire pretended to
be catching lice. So she sucked out all her blood and at last swallowed her up
and pot on her necklaces in her necks and bracelets in her wrists. In the
meantime, Tlumte arrived and saw vampire sitting in place of his wife. Her look
was as different as night is from day. He knew that she was not his wife, but
he did not see his wife either. “O my! How different you are,” he exclaimed in
amazement. Your nails are sharp and pointed and your eyes are shrinking,” said
Tlumte. “My nails are sharp for pointing to the direction of your coming my
eyes shrank for eagerly looking to your coming,” replied she. “But you’re not
my wife. Vanchunglaizuor,” repeated Tlumte. “I am,” she insisted. Tlumte knew
that the vampire was not his wife but he did not see his wife either. So he
commanded, “Get down, take the lead, if you don’t know the right path, you are
not my wife. That’s a good proof.” She got down, took the lead and set off. At
every crossing she was at a loss as to which path to take and took the wrong
path. “I mean we’re visiting our grand mother’s village,” she excused herself.
The people were eagerly waiting for the arrival of
the bride and the bridegroom. When they reached the village outskirt, people
thronged the areas, but when they saw the bride, they were very disappointed
and angry. Is this the paramour of eastern beauty whose fame spread far and
wide? Shame, shame on you,” jeered the curious crowd. Tlumte was full of shame.
They were passing through the crowd towards their home. She did not know her
husband’s house and entered the wrong house. “If you are Vanchunglaizuor, you
will know my house, but you don’t know it. So you are not Vanchunglaizuor but
somebody else,” said Tlumte again. At this the vampire said that she entered
somebody’s house knowingly just to see whether they are alright. So they lived
as husband and wife reservedly. The vampire had a bad and dirty habit. At night
she used to pass her stools near the house. In course of time a gourd creeping
into the house and a tender gourd, the size of a baby’s head was hanging on the
wall. Inside of the gourd was the spirit of Vanchunglaizuor. Tlumte and his
wife went to their jhum every day and came back only at dusk. During their
absence, Vanchunglaizuor came out of the gourd and cooked food and did all the
domestic works and entered back into the gourd. Whenever they returned from
jhum, they found their food cooked and ready and the house very clean. But they
could not guess who had done all these things every day for them. They were in
utter amazement.
One day, Tlumte thought to himself, “I will find out
who did it.” So he pretended to be indisposed and sent his wife alone to jhum.
When evening was approaching, he hid himself at the corner of his bed and kept
a watchful eye. When evening came, Vanchunglaizuor jumped out of the gourd,
lighted the fire, swept the floor and started cooking. Like a lightning, Tlumte
jumped out and caught hold of his beloved wife. He was eager to know the
circumstances leading to such situation and asked her many question one after
another. Vanchunglaizuor narrated the events from the beginning to the end.
Tlumte was full of anger against the vampire and began to sharpen his dao.
Evening came, the vampire arrived and was standing at the door with basket on
her back full of leaves for pigs. “Open the door,” she shouted. “Yes” came the
reply from within but no action. She shouted at her husband in anger for his delay.
Impatient, she broke open the door, rebuking him with abusive words. He jumped
at her and vut her in two with his sharp dao. One portion he threw down to
backside of the house and the other to the frontside. The portion thrown to the
backside sprouted into a broad leaf plant and the one thrown outside the house
turned into a big rock.
Tlumte and Vanchunglaizuor now lived happily for
some time. He was now really proud of his wife and wanted everybody in the
village to see her face to face. One day he told all the village women that his
wife would visit each house in search of broad leaves for wrapping cooked rice.
At the same time, he also instructed them not to give her any leave even if
they had. So, one morning, Vanchunglaizuor visited one house after another in
search of leaves, but each house hold woman expressed regret. So, she visited
all the houses in that morning. All women were really amazed at her beauty. She
returned home, tired and dazed. “If you don’t get any leave, you just wrap it
with your apron,” said Tlumte. So saying he went ahead to their jhum thinking
that his wife would follow him soon. She looked through the window and saw
broad leaf plant standing by the back of the house. “Ah, that leaves are good
for the purpose,” said she and went down to take it. Inside the plant was the
spirit of the vampire. As she was cutting it, the plant swallowed her up.
Tlumte was waiting for her in the jhum. He was very much worried about her
since she did not follow him. He returned home from the jhum full of
misgivings. He was looking for her every nook and corner. In anger he cut the
plant at the back of the house and found her out encaged within the bud of the
plant. Since that time onwards, Vanchunglaizuor looked pale and sickly. She
fell ill almost daily. But Tlumte had to leave her at home alone. One morning
she basked herself on the rock inside which was the spirit of the vampire. The
rock swallowed her up again. Evening came. Tlumte was looking for her every
nook and corner. At last he suspected the rock. He piled up woods on the rock
and set on fire. As the smoke was billowing forth, he saw his paramour flying
away upward in the thick smoke.
Source: Prof.(Dr.) Lal Dena,Hmar Folk Tales, Scholar Publishing House, New Delhi, 1995.