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MPSC various posts 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

/ Published by VIRTHLI
Applications in prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts under the Government of Manipur.

1. Manipur Education Service Grade-III (Rs 9300-34800+ Rs 4300 GP)- 41 posts (UR-23, ST-12,OBC-6)

2. Inspector of Taxes (Rs. 9300-34800+Rs 4200 GP)- 8  posts (UR-3,ST-3)

The prescribed application form can be obtained from the counter of MPSC during office hour w.e.f 25.07.2014.

Last date for issue and receipt of duly filled application form is 25.08.2014.

Details of the eligibility criteria and requisite educational and other qualification for the posts mentioned above will be available in MPSC website

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