Applications are invited from Eligible Men & Women for Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) -01/2012 for the Courses commencing January 2013 & July 2013.
Essential Subjects for Technical Barch:
Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics )(AE(L) : All candidates should have scored a minimum 60 % marks in aggregate in all papers put together and studied at least eight subjects out of the egihteen subjects listed below in their qualifying exam : (l1) Physics /Engg Physics (l2) Mathematics /Engg Mthematics (l3) Engg Graphics/Engg Drawing (L4) Electrical Engg/Electrical Technology (l5) Control Engg (L6)Microprecessors (L7) Digital Electronics /Basic Electronics (l8) Computer Networks (L9) Information Technology (l10) Network Theory Design (L11) Telecommunication Systems (L12) Electronic Circuit Design (L3) Radar Theory(L14) Switching Theroy (L15) Instumentation (L16) Microwave Engg (L17) Antenna and Wave Propagation (L18) Electronics Devices.
Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) (AE (M)) : All candidates should have scored a minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and studied at least eight subjects out of eighteen subjects listed below in their qualifying exam : (M1) Physics/Engineering Physics (M2) Engineering Maths/Mathematics (M3) Engineering Drawing/Graphics (M4) Automotive Engineering/Plant Engineering/Industrial Engineering (M5) Engineering Mechanics/Strength of Material (M6) Aerodynamics (M7) Thermodynamics and Applications/Heat Power Engineering (M8) Heat and Mass Transfer (M9) Theory of Machines (Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery) (M10) Fluid Mechanics/ Turbo Mechanics (M11) Flight Mechanics (M12) Machine Drawing/Machine Design (M13) Mechatronics (M14) MAtyerial Science/Metallurgy (M 15) Vibrations (M 16) Workshop Technology/ Manufacturing Technology/ Production Engineering (M 17) Hydraulics and Pneumatics (M 18) Aircraft Structures.
How to Apply: Application must be in the prescribed format. Last date for receipt of applications : 13 January 2012 Superscribe the envelope with ‘Application for Air Force Common Admission Test:26 th February 2012.
Last date for receipt of applications: 13 January 201
For further details Click Here