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HPC (D) president rejects impeachment claim

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

/ Published by Simon L Infimate
IMPHAL, Dec 19: While dismissing news report on his impeachment as baseless and completely unfo- unded, Hmar People’s Convention (D) president Lalh- mingthang Sanate said in a statement ‘I am the president of HPC (D) and will remain the president, if it is the will of God’.

Reacting to news report published in the October 1 editions of State dailies, Sanate contended that the ‘so called executive meeting’, wherein decision to impeach him was reportedly taken, was held with his knowledge and prior consent.

Invalidating the said me-eting, he maintained that neither has the post been relinquished by him nor had he handed over the charge to anyone.

Conveying that clarification made on the said issue is in order to clear the confusion, so that general public and all concerned know the truth, the president disclosed that a few self-seeking individuals wi-thin the HPC (D), using the organization’s name have made an apparent bid to belie and tarnish his repu- tation.

The tall claims made about my ‘so called impeachment as per the reso- lution of the HPC (D) Executive Council emergency meeting of 29th September, 2011 published in newspapers on the 1st of October 2011,’ is baseless and completely unfounded, Sanate countered while declaring that as the president of HPC (D) the so called Executive Council Emergency meeting has neither legal sanc- tion nor acceptable to him.

Further expressing that the impeachment claim is made with the ulterior motive by some self-seeking individuals to hijack the organization for their selfish personal gains, Lalhming-thang reiterated that as the founder President of HPC (D), he is and will remain the President.

The so called Executive Council Emergency Meeting has no legitimacy as it was convened right after the organization concluded its council meetings; the meeting was called discreetly without my know- ledge and prior consent, he declared.

I floated this organization in 1995, leaving behind my job and a peaceful civil life, with the strong conviction that the Hmar com- munity interests need to be safe-guarded as Hmars are a marginalized lot in all the Hmar inhabited areas of the North East India, the statement informed while asser- ting that he will continue to serve the Hmar people.

Declaring that HPC (D) will never be a secessionist organisation as right from it’s inception goal of the organization is to work in tandem with other sister/cognate organisations, and to strive for an honourable political settlement for the Hmars within the ambit of the Indian Constitution, Sanate further explained that in the context of Manipur, he endorsed  suggestion by his colleagues to join the United People Front (UPF) and be a part of the Suspension of Operations, which the Indian Army signed with the hill-based armed outfits of Manipur in August 2008.

Reminding all concerned that he is committed to the cause of the Hmar people, he also conceded that some individuals with vested interest in the organisation had been attempting to tarnish his image as the HPC (D) leader for they were embarrassed when he initiated strong and concrete measures to check financial irregularities in the organisation. Sanate also expre- ssed strong resentment against hostile attitude of Indian security forces taking advantage of impasse within the HPC (D) organisation and announced that very soon he would reshuffle the cabinet and members of the Council along with similar change in the outfit’s representative to the joint moni- toring group of the SoO agreement.
Lastly, The HPC (D) wo-uld make it known to the public and all concerned soon whether it will continue to be a member of the UPF conglomerate, he added.

~The Sangai Express
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