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Saikot demands SDO Circle status

Friday, November 25, 2011

/ Published by Simon L Infimate
Imphal: Saikot Sub-Division Demand Joint Action Committee (SSDD-JAC) has submitted a memorandum to Chief Minister O Ibobi demanding upgradation of Saikot TD Block to the level of SDO Circle.

The memorandum said that the State Cabinet meeting held on October 29 last decided to upgrade Tuiboung TD Block and Sangaikot TD Block to the status of Sub-Division (SDO) Circles leaving out Saikot TD Block.

It reminded the Chief Minister that these two TD Blocks were however created together with Saikot TD Block by the State Government with its official notification issued on December 24, 2003 .

It added, people of Saikot are shocked and disturbed as the TD Block has been left out although Saikot is the most deserving Block to be upgraded to SDO Circle among the three TD Blocks.

The memorandum said that Saikot TD Block has a population of 19256 people consisting of 3222 households and 39 villages.

Saying that the area is in a strategic location, the JAC said that Saikot TD Block already has Government offices and institutions like Primary Health Centre, Nursing Training Centre, Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Government High schools, fairly developed State highway (Sugnu Road), public transport service, post offices with speed post and Saving Account facilities.

Source: The Sangai Express


Full text of the Press Release


The Chief Minister,

Government of Manipur, Imphal,

Subject: - A request for Upgradation of Saikot T.D. Block to the level of SDO circle.

Hon’ble Sir,

We, the undersigned, on behalf of the inhabitants of Saikot T. D. Block, Churachandpur, Manipur and on behalf of the Saikot Sub-Division demand Committee, (SSDDC) and Saikot T.D Block Village Authority Welfare Association (SVAWA) under the umbrella organisation called the Saikot Sub-Division Demand Joint Action Committee (JAC), while deeply appreciating your good government’s decision concerning the creation of Saikot T.D Block along with Sangaikot and Tuibuong T.D Blocks eight years ago, have the honour to bring to you our grievances and displeasures for your consideration and early redressal relating to Saikot T.D Block as follows:

1. That, as per the Cabinet meeting held on October 29, 2011, the Government of Manipur (GoM) had taken a cabinet decision to upgrade some TD Blocks such as Tuibuong T.D Block and Sangaikot T.D Blocks to the Status of Sub-Division (SDO) circles in Churachandpur District. These upgraded T.D Blocks were created along with Saikot TD Block by Order No. 15/11/2003-DEV(P), dated Imphal, the 24th December, 2003 of the Governor of Manipur (Annexure-I). Unfortunately, for reasons beyond our comprehension, Saikot TD Block has been left out in the process of upgradation, for which we are deeply shocked and disturbed. We feel that Saikot TD Block has been shown step-motherly treatment even though Saikot TD Block by all accounts is the most deserving Block worthy of elevation to SDO circle.

2. That, While waiting patiently for many years for your government’s positive measures to improve the functioning of the Saikot T.D Block at par with the other T.D Blocks created along with Saikot T.D Block, theGovernment of Manipur (GoM), applying the spirit of nepotism inequitably left out Saikot T.D Block in the recent elevation and upgradation of its counterpart T.D Blocks such as Tuibuong and Sangaikot Blocks in to the status of Sub-Division level (SDO). And that, we consider this kind of step-motherly treatment given to the people of Saikot T.D Block unjustifiable and we feel that the Government of Manipur (GoM) is promoting the policis of exclusion to the people of Saikot T.D Block. The people of Saikot T.D Block have seriously heard the message of the Government of Manipur (GoM) that we are being denied Justice: economic, social and political.

3. That, Saikot T.D Block has a population of 19256 consisting of 3222 households and with 39 villages (Annexure-II & III) is a strategic location with some important Government Offices and institutions such as Primary Health Centre, Nursing Training Centre, Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Government High Schools, fairly developed State Highway (Sugnu Road) and Public transports, post offices with speed post and Saving Account facilities. Saikot T.D Block is also agriculturally a self-sustained economy with many other added advantages because of its strategic location and inner strength. We are fully confident that, if objectively assessed, Saikot TD Block will meet the requirements for elevating TD Block to SDO circle.

Our fervent request to you is that the Government of Manipur (GoM) should re-examine the genuine case of Saikot T.D Block with sincerity and for the interest of all and in the greater interest of the people of Saikot T.D Block. We earnestly pray and trust that you will look into our grievances favourably and to reconsider our case and take immediate action to upgrade Saikot T.D Block into Sub-Divisional Status (SDO) for the larger interest of the people of Saikot T. D Block and for the end of justice.

Thanking you in anticipation,




(Timothy Z. Zote), Chairman,

(R. Lalkaisanga), Secretary,


Saikot Sub-Division Demand Joint Action Committee (JAC).

Copy to:-

1. Pu T. N. Haokip, Honourable Minister, I & PR, Tourism, PHED, Govt. Of Manipur.

2. Pu Phungzathang Tonsing, Hon’ble Minister, Power, Hort. & Soil conservation, science & technology, Manipur

3. Shri. Deben Singh, Hon’ble Minister, Revenue/Forest & Environment/Law & LA, Govt. Of Manipur

4. Shri. Ph. Parijat Singh, Hon’ble Minister, Agriculture/CADA/Labour & Employment

5. Shri. Md. Alauddin Khan, Hon’ble Minister, RD & PR/Printing and Stationary

6. Shri D.S Poonia, I.A.S, Chief Secretary, confidential & Chairman, Committee on Re-Organisation of Administration and Police Boundary, Govt. Of Manipur.

7. Pu P.C Lawmkunga, IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary, ( Election/R.D & P.R), Govt. of Manipur

8. Shri S. Sundertal Singh, IAS, Commissioner, Revenue/MHUD, Govt. of Manipur

9. Shri. Langkhanpau Guite, Chairman, ADC, Churachandpur

10. Smt. Jacintha Lazarus, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Churachandpur District, Tuibuong.
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