1. Deputy Agricultural Marketing Adviser (Group-I) in the Directorate of Marketing Inspection: 05 Vacancies
2. Extension Officer in the Directorate of Extension: 01 Vacancy
3. Regional Home Economist in the Directorate of Extension: 01 Vacancy
4. Service Technologist in Fishery Survey of India: 01 Vacancy
5. Assistant Director (Aircraft Engineering) in the Directorate General of Civil Aviation: 06 Vacancies
6. Economic Officer, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance: 05 Vacancies
7. Deputy Director (Safety) in the Directorate General: 02 Vacancies
8. Senior Lecturer (Forensic Medicine) in the Govt Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh: 01 Vacancy
Last Date: 14-07-2011 (Far Flung Areas 21-07-2011)
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