For a state like Mizoram where entertainment runs in everybody’s blood, Entertainment Mizoram, an event management society for youth empowerment comes as a blessing for the youth. Ms Ruth Hrangchal, the president of Entertainment Mizoram who is behind the success of this entertainment biz, is a happy woman today to see her models walking tall on the ramp with beauty inside out (as she describes them) in many fashion shows across the country. Seated on a sofa in her home at Upper Khatla in Aizawl, Ruth in a tête-à -tête with Ngathingkhui Jagoi, narrates about her experiences and mission as founder of the show biz society. EXCERPTS:
EASTERN MIRROR: How would you best describe yourself? Do tell us something about yourself and your activities? How did you first get involved in Entertainment Mizoram?
Ruth Hrangchal: I started by taking part in small event management activities. My first event began with “LOOK OF THE YEAR 98” held at Lunglei which fulfilled a lifelong dream of a close friend and colleague, Baby Zosangliani. We managed to open up the rather conservative minds of the parents by convincing them to allow their children to participate in the contest. The money went to the Serkawn Orphan Home and our contestants were happy because they felt that they had used their beauty to help under-privileged little children.
EM: What inspired you to start this? Or in other words, who or what is your biggest inspiration?
RH: The creator’s mindset is what inspired me. We are made in the creator’s image and creativity is a part of human nature. This creative talent needs to be nurtured to capacitate each individual to earn a living through it. All forms of art are derived from creativity and it is my desire to promote this industry.
EM: How long have you been doing what you are doing? Is your business profitable?
RH: My first public event was in 1988 so it has been about eleven years since I first began. The exposure of the talents of the youth and the promotion of different forms of creativity such as designing, handloom handicrafts, modelling, singing, dancing etc has been the most profitable aspect of this management. However, being one of the pioneers working for the acceptance of these forms of entertainment, it has not been financially very profitable but we do make ends meet.
EM: What is the prospect of your entertainment biz in Mizoram? What is your outlook on Mizo youth or for that matter your models?
RH: Prospects of entertainment biz is getting brighter with globalisation. Mizo youth are very talented, open minded, hoping for change and easy to inspire with positive mindset. Our models are beautiful inside out.
EM: How do you select your models?
RH: Our models are mostly from the so-called downtrodden class. But as I said before, they are beautiful inside out. Most of the parents were at first reluctant to let their children become models. It took us time to convince the parents that modelling is not a cheap profession. You know it’s difficult to break the conservative mindset. However, we did it. Many of the models are fast learners and they can really mesmerise the audience at the shows.
EM: What training did you undertake prior to starting this event management? Who choreographs your events?
RH: I didn’t attend any professional training. But I learned a little about choreography and management in school. Most learning is through experience. Yeah, experience itself is my teacher. The best choreographer in Mizoram is Charlie. He is behind the success of many shows and we are a team.
EM: Is the global financial crisis affecting your career?
RH: It does not have much affect in what we do, as entertainment through different forms of art is providing people an alternate source of livelihood and the promotion of these talents is getting to be sought after in today’s world of globalisation.
EM: What has been your most challenging moment in business, and how did you deal with it?
RH: The most challenging aspect in entertainment biz is that the traditional mindset expects everybody to be academically inclined. Most parents have not yet comprehended the importance and the significance of creative arts like dancing, singing, modelling, etc and they are reluctant to allow their children to participate and excel in these streams. I deal with this by making the parents aware of the truth.
EM: Can you share some tips for dealing with employees or should we call ‘co-workers’?
RH: Give everyone a chance to shine, recognise the importance of each individual, appreciate each contribution, and most importantly - to work behind the scene with a positive mindset.
EM: Any plans to expand your entertainment firm in other north eastern states?
RH: Nothing can be done alone and we are open to all the people in the North East to work with Entertainment Mizoram to grow into entertainment North East.
EM: What is your perspective on Naga models?
RH: Nagas are beautiful people. In fact, I must say they typically have more beautiful features than Mizos. You have top models like Esther Jamir, Ethel Konyak, etc. They are educated and speak fluent English unlike our models who are basically from grassroots. But Naga models have risen to national level on their own efforts. They have still chances to rise to international level. But unfortunately, you have no agency to promote these talents and beauties. We have that. I would suggest your people to start an agency. Nagas will definitely do well.
EM: Could you share some basic steps that an entertainment business owner should take to market his/her website online?
RH: If you make good shows it generates interest so good shows is all that can be marketed online or offline.
EM: What goals or plans do you have for the future of your business?
RH: I wish to unite North East and the rest of India with the message of peace in future through promotion of artistic values.
EM: What advice would you give to people just starting out with show business?
RH: The basic of successful business is always quality products and services. If you can deliver both you can have your cake and eat it and maybe lick it too someday. (Laughs)
EM: Do you have anyone who analyses or critiques your work?
RH: I am my own worst critic (Laughs) ….. Always wanting to improve. I have a lot to learn.
EM: How do you de-stress after a hard day's work and what is the mantra that keeps you going?
RH: I have a good circle of friends who keep me happy. Our slogan is - Free your mind….be positive.
EM: How do you like to relax?
RH: Listen to music and dance
EM: What is your favourite outfit?
RH: I love wearing clothes designed by our talented designers during events and for parties I like minis, jeans, etc…
EM: What do you hate most in life?
RH: A negative mind
EM: How do you start your day?
RH: With prayers
~Eastern Mirror