Common Entrance Examination for Design 2011 (CEED 2011) CEED is a qualifying exam for the Master of Design Programmes and Ph.D Programmes in Design offered by Indian Institute of Technology. Online registrations have been opened from 20th September 2010 and will be opened till 25th October 2010.
i) Graduation in Engineering / Architecture / Design / Interior Design
ii) Professional Dip of NID / Professional Dip of CEPT (5 year course)
iii) B.F.A. (4 year professional course)
iv) G.D. Art (5 year course) with one year professional experience
v) PG degree in Arts / Science / Computer Applications.
Application Fee : Rs. 950 (Rs. 475 for SC/ST/PD . Application fee can be submitted through any SBI Branch or Demand Draft in favor of ‘IIT Bombay’, payable at Mumbai.
CEED 2011 has been scheduled for 16th January 2011
Results will be announced on 25th March 2011.
Detailed notification: Click Here
Application Procedure:Click Here
Registration: Click Here
Instructions for filling online application form: Click Here