Recruitment Rally at Dimapur (Nagaland):
Name of the Post: Technical Trade
No of Vacancies:385
Recruitment Rally at Lokhra (Assam):
Name of the Post: Technical Trade
No of Vacancies:334
Age Limit: Between 18 to 23 years as on 1st Aug 2012. Upper age limit is relaxable by 3 years to OBC and 5 years to SC/ST Candidates.
Pay Scale: Pay scale and other allowance will be as admissible to Assam Rifles Personnel.
How To Apply: Candidates shall submit their applications by 08 September 2012 as per the attached format to the address: “DIRECTORATE GENERAL ASSAM RIFLES (RECRUITMENT BRANCH), LAITUMKHARH POST, SHILLONG, MEGHALAYA – 793011 along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 50/- in favour of the Directorate General Assam Rifles payable at SBI DGAR, Shillong, Code No. 7338. SC and ST candidates are exempted from application fee. No cash/postal order will be accepted.
Detailed Information Click Here