Lecturers: 04 (Political Science-01, Economics-01, Commerce-01, Research & Media Support Service Assistant – 01)
Qualification: M.A. in the respective Subjects from a recognized University with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade in Post Graduate Examination.
Pay: Rs.10,000/- per month (consolidated)
How To Apply: Intending candidates having requisite qualifications may apply for the posts in a plain paper giving their full-biodata (including phone number and email-id) with attested copies of the testimonials and experience certificate (if any) with a draft of Rs.100/- in favour of ‘D.U. Distance Education Fund’ and payable at “SBI, Dibrugarh University Branch (Code:2051). The application should reach the office of the Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786004, Assam.
Last Date: 24/02/2012.
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