(i) 2-year M. Sc. in Chemistry
(ii) 2-year M. Sc. in Mathematics & Computing
(iii) 2-year M. Sc. in Applied Physics
(iv) 3-year M. Sc. Tech. in Applied Geophysics
(v) 3-year M. Sc. Tech. in Applied Geology.
(i) 2-year M. Sc. in Chemistry - B.Sc. Degree (3-year) with Chemistry as Honours / Major / Main/ Equivalent subject, Mathematics as a subsidiary subject and another subsidiary subject from Physics, Statistics, Electronics and Computer Science.
(ii) 2-year M. Sc. in Mathematics & Computing - B.Sc. Degree (3-year) with Mathematics as Honours / Major /Main/ Equivalent subject and any two subsidiary subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Statistics, Electronics and Computer Science.
(iii) 2-year M. Sc. in Applied Physics - B.Sc. Degree (3-year) with Physics as Honours / Major / Main/ Equivalent subject, Mathematics as a subsidiary subject and another subsidiary subject from Chemistry, Geology, Statistics, Electronics, Computer Science, Economics and Geography.
(iv) 3-year M. Sc. Tech. in Applied Geophysics - B.Sc. Degree (3-year) with Physics as Honours / Major/ Main/ Equivalent subject, Mathematics as a subsidiary subject and another subsidiary subject from Chemistry, Geology, Geography, Electronics, Statistics and Computer Science.
(v) 3-year M. Sc. Tech. in Applied Geology - B.Sc. Degree (3-year) with Geology as Honours / Major /Main/ Equivalent subject and any two subsidiary subjects from Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics and Computer Science.
Note: In all the above courses 4-yr B. Sc. B. Ed. Degree candidates are also eligible provided they meet eligibility criteria as mentioned above.
Age: Candidates born on or after October 1, 1988 are eligible for admission. Age limit for SC/ST/PD (Orthopaedically handicapped) candidates is relaxable by 5 years and that of OBC candidates is relaxed by 3 years.
Subject and Duration of Examination: One paper in respective Honours / Major /Main / Equivalent subject of three hours duration will be held as mentioned below:
Course with Discipline | Subject of Entrance Examination | |
2-year M. Sc. in Chemistry | Chemistry | |
2-year M. Sc. in Mathematics & Computing | Mathematics | |
2-year M. Sc. in Applied Physics and 3-year M. Sc. Tech. in Applied Geophysics | Physics | |
3-year M. Sc. Tech. in Applied Geology | Geology |
The medium of examination will be ENGLISH only.
Centres of Examination: Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, New Delhi, Dhanbad, Guwahati, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Varanasi.
Reservation of seats: 15% seats are reserved for SC, 7.5% for ST, 27% for OBC (non creamy layer), 3% for PD (Orthopaedically handicapped) as per directives of the Government of India and one seat each for (i) J&K migrants (JK), (ii) wards of Defence Personnel (DP), and (iii) Parsi (PS) candidates is reserved in each of the M.Sc. / M.Sc. Tech. programmes.
Issue of Application Forms: Application form and Information Bulletin can be obtained from the I.S.M. sale counter in the office of the DEPUTY REGISTRAR (ACADEMIC & STUDENT WELFARE) during office hours on any working day (Monday to Friday) from 02nd January, 2012 to 02nd March, 2012 on cash payment of Non-refundable Application Fee of Rs.650/- for SC/ST/PD candidates only and Rs.1300/- for all other categories of candidates. The application material can also be obtained by post from the office of the DEPUTY REGISTRAR (ACADEMIC & STUDENT WELFARE), I.S.M. by sending an A/c payee Demand Draft of Rs.700/- for SC/ST/PD candidates only and of Rs.1,350/-for all other categories of candidates, payable at Dhanbad and drawn in favour of the Registrar, I.S.M., Dhanbad, along with a self addressed unstamped envelope of A4 size. The application form can also be downloaded from the I.S.M. website (http://www.ismdhanbad.ac.in) and should be sent along with the original A/c payee Demand Draft of Rs.650/- for SC/ST/PD candidates only and Rs.1,300/- for all other categories of candidates, payable at Dhanbad and drawn in favour of Registrar, I.S.M., Dhanbad. The completed application form should reach the office of the Deputy Registrar (Academic & Student Welfare), Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad-826004, Jharkhand on or before 09th March, 2012. All future correspondences should be addressed to Deputy Registrar (Academic & Student Welfare), I.S.M., Dhanbad-826004, Jharkhand.
For further details please visit the Institution website Here