Pu Immanuel Zarzosang Varte hi Pu Varrohlun Varte (Lenruol hlabu a hla inlar em em “Par Ang a Chuoi Vanglai ni Hai” ti phuoktu kha) le Pi Lalremzo hai inkara pieng, unau pasal pathum laia a naupang tak anih. Thanlon khuoa piengin, 1985 khan Khawmawi, Churachandpur ah an hung insawn a. A naupang hun tamlem le a thleirawl hun po chu Khawmawi khuoa a hmang.
Brief Academic background:
1997 khan Standard English High School, Sielmat a inthawkin 2nd Division ah a pass a. 1999 khan Bethany Higher Secondary a inthawkin Cl- XII (Science) 2nd Division bawkin a pass a. 1999 sung vekin inchukna insang lem hnawtin Shillong khawpui a pan a. Morning Star College a inthawkin B. A. (General)1st Class, 4th Position, NEHU hnuoiah kum 2002 khan zovin hi kum vek hin M A (Anthropology) NEHU hnouiah sunzawmin Gold Medalist (1st Class,1st Position) niin kum 2004 khan MA a hung zo nghe nghe. MA anchuk laizing hin UGC-NET (Lectureship) khawm alo inziek kai a nih.
Kum 2005 kum bulin Ph.D admission hmu in October, 2005 khan Ph.D registration a laka, Pathien zarin Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship hmuin tha takin a sumzawm pei anih. Kum 5 sung zetzawt sin tumru le taimataka a thaw hnungin May ni 4, 2011 khan North Eastern Hill University in Degree of Doctor of Philosophy a lo inhlan tah. A Doctorate hmuna khawm ei ram le hnam ta dinga pawimaw tak “Impact of development on the Hmars of Tipaimukh in Churachandpur District, Manipur” ani nghe nghe. Tuhin a thesis chu lekhabu a sut dawk dingin nasa takin buoipui mek anih.
Brief Extra- Curricular Activities:
1. President of the Hmar Students' Association (HSA), Shillong Joint Headquarters from 2002-2006,
2009- 2010.
2. Central Working Committee Member, Hmar Students' Association, General Headquarters from 2007-
till date.
3. Member, National Consultative Group on Research and Documentation of Himalayan Cultures,
PRAGYA, Delhi, 2009- till date.
4. Chairman, North East India Center for Indigenous Culture and Development Studies (NEICICDS).
5. Member, Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (ICITP- NEZ).
6. Editor, Contours of Conflict, Pathways of Peace, Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal
Peoples- North East Zone (ICITP- NEZ), 2008, Guwahati, India.
Some important international Workshops/Trainings attended:
1. Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Capacities, Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal
Peoples (ICITP), Guwahati, Assam, India, in collaboration with UNITAR, 2007.
2. Conflict Transformation, Summer Peacebuilding Institute, Centre for Justice and Peacebuilding,
Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA, 2008.
3. Conflict Sensitive Development, Summer Peacebuilding Institute, Centre for Justice and
Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA, 2008.
3. Human Rights Based Approach to Development and Indigenous Peoples, Regional Initiative on
Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Development (RIIP), UNDP Asia- Pacific Regional Centre, Bangkok,
Thailand, 2008.
4. Training of Trainers on Human Rights Based Approach to Development and Indigenous Peoples,
Regional Initiative on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Development (RIIP), UNDP Asia- Pacific
Regional Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, 2010.
~Simon L Infimate