NEW DELHI (TOI):The admission process of the undergraduate courses for 2011-12 at Delhi University (DU) will start from June 15 with the notification of the first cut-off list. The admission schedule for the academic session 2011-12 has been approved by the advisory committee for admission on Thursday. The admission window for general candidate will be of 39 days with the last date for admission and payment of fees being July 23, excluding the admission with condonation by the vice chancellor.
What will be unique to the admission process this year is that there will be no pre-admission registration of any kind, barring for those courses whose admissions will be based on entrance tests and interviews. Moreover, the registration for admission in sports and extra curricular activities (ECA) categories will commence only after the declaration of the second cut-off lists. Moreover, the university is yet to decide whether to continue with the centralised admission mode introduced last year for the sports quota.
Unlike in the past, DU will announce five cut-off lists this year starting with the first on June 15 followed by June 21, June 27, July 2 and July 8 respectively. Also the aspirants will get four days for admission and payment of fees between two cut-off lists.
As per the admission policy of 2011-12, out of the total number of 54,000 seats, reservation of seats will be 27% for OBC candidates, 15% for SC candidates, 7.5% for ST candidates and the remaining for general category. Colleges will simultaneously bring out a separate cut-off for the OBC category and the differential merit between the general category and OBC cut-offs shall not be more than 10%. Colleges have to declare the vacant OBC seats by July 15 and these will be filled up by other eligible candidates by July 23.
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