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HPC (D) in Chairman in-charge ding an ruot, hma nasa nawk zuola lak an tum

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

/ Published by Simon L Infimate
HPC (D) chun Emergency Executive Council neiin Pu L.T. Hmar Chairman in-charge ding'n an ruot thu le hma nasa nawk zuola lak an tum pei thu ahnuoia Press Release an insuo na chun an hril.


July 17, 2012 khan HPC(D) Chairman Pu H.Zosangbera chu Mizoram sawrkarin Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi-ah a man a, tunah a kutah a hr̻ng mek a ni. HPC(D) Chairman hi Mizoram-a cheng Hmarho harsatna a hma theih ang bera chin fel a tul zia Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India-a hetiang lam enkawltute nena sawi tl̢ng tura kal a ni.Tin, June 10, 2012 khan HPC(D) Army Chief Pu Lalropuia leh Deputy Chief of Army Pu Lalbiaknunga te chu HPC(D) Designated Camp, Ankhasuo a thlawh pah a All Parties Leaders (Mizoram) hruaitute nena remna kawng sial dan tur ngaihtuah tl̢ng tura kal chu Silchar Airport (Assam) ah Mizoram Armed Police (MAP) ten an man tawh bawk a. Hemi All Party Leaders (Mizoram) te inkhawm tur hi Mizoram Chief Minister chuan a hriatpui mai bakah a awka a ni. Mahse, Mizoram sawrkar chuan a thu a bawhchhia a, rinawm loh-ah a insiam a ni. Chu mai chu a ni lo. Hemi inmanna hian Mizoram Sawrkar leh HPC(D) ten Suspension of Operation (SoO) РNovember 10, 2010 to May 11, 2011- chhungah an puan tawh, zawi zawia indawr tawnna boruak nelawm zawk siam chhoh mektu chu a rawn vaw chhia a; Assam Sawrkar leh HPC(D) te inkara Suspension of Operation (SoO) ding lai chu HPC(D) hruaitute an man hian pawngpawrh takin an bawhchhe bawk a ni.

India Danpui hnuaia dan ding laiin a phalsak anga Mizoram-a cheng Hmarho chanvo dawn tur chu an kut ah pe ve tura HPC(D) ten dan anga nawrna an siam chu Mizoram sawrkar chuan remna leh muanna duh loh ang ziazangin, remna kawng dapa kal an hruaitute lo changa an lo man mai hi HPC(D) chuan a dem takzet a ni. Sinlung Hills Development Council (SHDC) huap chhunga ‘Flag March’ huaihawt emaw, Hmarho hnawlna tur ah Home Department, Government of Mizoram in order (No. D. 32020/24/2010-HMS) a chhuah emaw leh hmanraw remchanga a hman theih niha a ngaih pawl thenkhatte hmanga Hmar tawng, culture le Hmar hnam ro huhbeh a tumte leh chumi chu remchanga laa engkimah hlei a len mai hi HPC(D) chuan a hai lo a, hetiang inrahbehna hi a ngawihpui ngai dawn lo tih a puang nawn leh a ni. Zângkhua a bungbu hlen ngai lo.

Mizoram Sawrkar Home Minister Lalzirliana leh a sangawi zawnpuiten HPC(D) hmahruaina hnuaia Mizoram-a cheng Hmarho chanvo dik taka pe ve tura Sawrkar an nawrh hi an hruaitute mansaka tihreh an inring a nih chuan an tisual hle a ni tih an la hria ang. Chumi sawhkhawk mawh phurtu chu Mizoram Sawrkar ding lai a ni. HPC(D) chuan tun aia nasa zawk hian a thil tum hlen turin a tang sauh dawn a, a hma lak zêl dan tur pawh tun hma aia felfai zawkin a duan bawk dawn. An hruaitu thenkhat hrêng mah se, an chanvo ang chang tur leh an thil tum hlen chhuak tura hma an laknaah tang lehzual sauh tur Hmar pasaltha leh an hruaitu tur za tam tak an la awm. Mizoram sawrkarin sipai chakna leh fin kherh hmanga rahbeh leh thuai chhum a tum nasat poh leh mi huaisen a cho chhuak tam ting mai ang.

Vawiin hian HPC(D) chu Mizoram Sawrkar leh Mizo pawi khawih tuma phiartu anga dik lo taka puh a nih bakah Mizoram-a chengte inlungrualna tikhi tumtu anga puh a ni bawk a. Mahse, Mizoram-a cheng Hmar miten an harsatna tihrehsak tura sawrkara dilna an siam hian tu pawi mah an sawi lo a, tu pawi mah an khawih lo a; Mizo chhungah kan inrual tlangna tur zawk kan zawng ani. India Danpuiin a phalsak kan chanvo, kan pianvo ni hrim chu, a nihna anga hman theih tura kan dinhmun siamsak chu kan phu ang hrimin, chu chu kan dil ve ani. Chu chuan India ram emaw Mizoram State emaw inpumkhatna eng kawng zawng pawhin a khawih buai lo. India sawrkar lakah lungawi loa kan rammut lai pawh khan kan chanvo leh kan pianvo mai ni lo, India laka indan tumin hma kan la a, a nghawng pawh kan tuar nasa tih kan hria. HPC(D) thil tum leh ngiat hi Mizoram State emaw India ram emaw atanga indaidan tumna a ni lo; kan chanvo min rahbehsak chu a neitu dik tak kutah hlan tawh turin kan duh a, chu chu dilin HPC(D) chuan hma kan la ani. Mi tin le hnam tinin an chanvo leh pianvo theuh dik taka an hman hi India Danpui thuthlung a ni a, chu chu hre rengin, Mizoram-a cheng Hmarho chuan kan dil a, kan dilna tihhlawhtlinsak hi India Danpui zawmna a ni a, dodal leh hnawlsak tum chu kan Danpui bawhchhiatna a ni.

HPC(D) Chairman Pu H.Zosangbera chu Mizoram Police ten an kawlh lailawkah Chairman ai aw turin HPC(D) Emergency Executive Council chuan lungrual takin Pu L.T. Hmar chu kan ruat fel bawk.

India khua leh tui tu pawh rilru leh ngaihtuahna dik pu leh hmang apiangin Hmarho chunga Mizoram Sawrkar thiltih dik lohzia hi min hriatpui turin kan duh a, kan ngen bawk a ni. An thiltih dan, inbumna leh fin kherek chhuaha HPC(D) hruaitute an man dan pawh hian engkimah dan an bawhchhiat bakah remna boruak aiin rinhlelhna boruak a hring a, remna leh muanna kawng a tin lo. Khami hmaa remna leh muanna a thlen nana inbiakna tur buatsaih a nih lai pawh khan phuahchawp chhuanlam derthawng tak hmanga inbiakna kawnga a mutan siamtu chu Mizoram sawrkar ding lai hi a ni.

HPC(D) chuan a thiltum a hlen hma chuan chawlhsan a tum lo. Chumi maichamah chuan a tul hun apiangah engkim hlan a inhuam reng.



Hmar People’s Convention (Democratic)

Government of Hmarram
General Headquaters, Sinlung.

Date: 01.08.2012



The Government of Mizoram arrested the HPC(D) Chairman, H.Zosangbera from Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport on July 17, 2012 and is now in its custody. The HPC(D) Chairman was on his way to meet officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India to intimate about the urgent need for political solution of the Hmars in Mizoram.

On June 10, 2012, the HPC(D) Army Chief, Lalropui and the Deputy Chief of Army, Lalbieknung were also arrested by the Mizoram Armed Police (MAP) from Silchar Airport (Assam) when they were on their way to visit the HPC(D) Designated Camp and attend a peace meeting with the leaders of the All Parties Leaders (Mizoram). The Chief Minister of Mizoram was aware about the peace meet and has given a nod to the All Party Leaders (Mizoram). The Government of Mizoram, once again, broke the trust and confidence that has been slowly building up after the first term of the Suspension of Operation (SoO) between the HPC(D) and the Government of Mizoram (November 11, 2010 – May 11, 2011). The Mizoram Armed Police (MAP) and the Government of Mizoram blatantly trespass with the arrest as the HPC(D) has Suspension of Operation (SoO) with the Government of Assam.

The HPC(D) strongly condemns the coward act of the Government of Mizoram as it stands against the just and peaceful approaches adopted by the HPC(D) to secure the Constitutional rights of the Hmars in Mizoram. The HPC(D) is convinced that the Government of Mizoram is in no way interested in securing peace and democracy in Mizoram. The HPC(D) shall not be a silent spectator to the necessary belligerency adopted by the Government of Mizoram; the recently conducted “Flag March” in Sinlung Hills was un-democratic and exaggerated; the attempt to “segregate” the Hmar peoples by the Home Department, Government of Mizoram, with its order (No. D. 32020/24/2010-HMS) is a shame. It will forever stand as the biggest insult to Mizoram’s peace and democracy. The Government of Mizoram must immediately end its “segregationist” policies that are directed against the Hmar people. The decades of suppression and discrimination by the Government of Mizoram in collusion with Mizoram based NGO has resulted in giving no place and space for Hmar language, culture, identity and tradition; our people are deprived and marginalized from getting our due and fair share in governance, welfare, development, education, entitlement and justice. The rights of the suppressed Hmar people shall not be allowed to be thwarted and deterred by the exercise of such uncalled for belligerency. Enough is enough!

If the Home Minister of Mizoram, Lalzirliana and his cahoots thinks that the rightful demand of the Hmar people of Mizoram and a peoples’ movement launched under Hmar People’s Convention (Democratic) could be suppressed with the arrest of our selfless leaders, they shall be proven wrong. The Government of Mizoram shall be responsible for the fall-out. As a matter of fact, our movement will be taken to a higher level and we are more determined towards prioritizing our goal ever than before. There are hundreds of Hmar youths and leaders who are ready to respond to the call of securing our rights and the long-time aspirations of the Hmar people that are also represented by our arrested leaders. Let the Mizoram state police trace and track us anywhere and everywhere if it thinks that would wrest our movement and aspirations which will be again proven wrong.

The Government of Mizoram has been blindly accusing the HPC(D) of planning several attacks on the people and state of Mizoram. We are also accused of disintegrating the Mizos of Mizoram and elsewhere. We would like to remind one and all by asserting that the Hmars’ movement in Mizoram and its adjoining areas is not against any individual people or community but only for securing a just socio-economic and political development of the Hmars in Sinlung Hills areas of Mizoram which has not only Hmars living in it. Moreover, our struggle is for improving democracy and for the decentralization of the same, which has eluded the Hmar people for many decades. The just development of Hmar people of Mizoram will in no way disintegrate the Mizos; instead it will strengthen and integrate the Mizos. Our time has come to secure our fair and equal share in welfare, democracy and development; no one can stop us from securing our rights.

In the larger interest of securing the goals of the peoples’ movement, the HPC(D), in its recently concluded Emergency Executive Council appointed Shri L.T. Hmar to be the Chairman in-charge of the HPC(D).

We appeal to all right thinking citizens to take note of the treacherous policy of the Government of Mizoram towards the Hmar people. The Hmar people or the HPC(D) shall not be responsible for any outcome bred by the decades of treacherous, segregationist and suppressive and oppressive actions of the Government of Mizoram. We remain committed to our rightful struggle and aspirations; we shall continue the good fight under all circumstances until we achieve our goals. In order to realize the great future, we shall sacrifice everything that is required of us.



Hmar People’s Convention (Democratic)

Government of Hmarram


General Headquaters, Sinlung.

Date: 01.08.2012

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